Sunday, September 30, 2012

The World Is Flat

In the first chapter of the world is flat, Thomas L. Friedman was talking about his experience in Bangalore, India.  He talked about Columbus Journey to India, and what did he discovered about the earth. He thinks that his journey is similar to Columbus to India but the different is Friedman used technology which helped him a lot while Columbus did not. Moreover, both of them they were searching for sources in India. Friedman described his experience when he saw the technology companies that run programs to America or Europe. Furthermore, the whole Idea of the world is Flat is that the new technologies that we use in our daily life have facilitated many things for us. We can easily communicate, work, explore, and do many other things just by using technology which was not available in Columbus time. This development in technology took us to another direction of the world. Now we see many countries such as India can compete other countries like America by the development that they have in technology. All these things made our world flat which means it is similar to small city all people live in. Moreover, Friedman kept his traveling and visiting many countries around the world such as, Iraq and other countries, he found the globalization term which he wants to define. Then, he talked about the competition between countries such as Japan and America to win the market of technology. In the conclusion, Friedman in his journey to India and other countries met businesspeople and workers for these countries, and he had an idea about how they run their companies. Moreover, he saw the globalization of many aspects of our lives such as the restaurants in the countries that he visited. All these things made the world similar to a small city that has diversity of people.    
1.      Flattener 1 is The new age of creativity: the changes that took a place after 1990 in the world. The emergent of technology and economic to cooperate to done the work. This development and the increase of the need of technology in life lead to emerge new technologies in the world one of them is computers which have been developed a lot in different aspects such as on the programs that run computers and other things related to computers.
2.      Flattener 2: The New Age of Connectivity: the emergent of the Internet that allowed people around the world to connect with each other with the advantage of saving their money. Then the appearance of the web pages which are commonly used around the whole world.
3.      Flattener 3: World Flow Software: the improvement in the software programs that allowed many companies to use this opportunity which facilitate many things for them to work on creating films and make effects on them. Not only in film maker that software has helped but also in other fields that computer is a part of it.     

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